
Merino Semen Sires

Hazeldean Hugh 11-003542 (reference only)

Hugh continues to makes an enormous impact across Australia with semen used in many leading studs and flocks. He is a long bodied, very correct ram who carries a huge fleece of stylish, long stapled, white fine wool. He is a very uncomplicated sheep with a productive skin and super sound structure. Hugh is sired by Stockman Jim out of a HAZ 2.9558 ewe, combining two well proven genetic lines. Hugh is a trait leader for Yearling Clean Fleeceweight, Yearling Fibre Diameter and Yearling Staple Strength and all indexes, being in the top 1%. He is one of the highest accuracy sires with over 4800 progeny recorded on SGA.

  • Top of the breed for FP+ and MP+ indexes

  • Top 1% for Fleece weight & fibre diameter

  • Sound Structure

IIMG 6255 HUGH-600x507-2.jpg
Sire Name Cost per Straw
Hazeldean 11-003542 POA
Harvest Public Relations